First steps

The Universal AJAX Live Search can be easily configurable from the module manager. You can set all the options there, such as theme or searching properties. We will run through the basic settings, the special parameters will be explained in another articles.

Open the Module Manager

Step 1

To configure the extension, you need to login to your Joomla! administrator page.

Step 2

After successful login, go to the Extensions/Module Manager. Here you need to select the type of the module, in this case the Universal AJAX Live Search. If you got it, click on it.

Module manager
Module Manager

Configuring the Module

In this part we will explain the default options, what are necessary to make the Search to work. There are 4 main part of these view:

  • Details
  • Options
  • Menu assignments
  • Theme manager (In Joomla 2.5 the Theme manager has no individual tab.)


  • Title: You can set the module title. This will appear in the module manager, or also on the Frontend, if you enable the following parameter.
  • Show title: Show or Hide the title on Frontend.
  • Position: Here you can set that in which position of your template will the module show.
  • Status: You have to keep this option in Published to the module appear on your site.
  • Access: You can restrict the module not to show everyone, only the predefined groups.
  • Language: With this option, you can define in which language of the frontend would you like to show the module. The default setting is all, and only has importance on multilingual sites.

Module manager Details
Module Manager Details


In this part, you can set all of the major setting for the design and working method. This part won't be detailed in this article, but you can find articles for them in the documentation.

Menu Assignments

Here you can define on which pages would you like to show the module. You can choose from all pages, only the pages selected and on all pages except selected option. In the last 2 there will a list of your menu items with checkboxes will appear, where you can easily select the suitable pages.