First Steps

The installation of this extension is quite easy, however it has many different parts, but all of them included in one compressed file. Here are the steps:

  • Login to, and go to your download area.
  • Download the latest version of the extension.
  • When you are ready with the previous, let's go to the installation part.

How to install?

To install the extension, you need to login to your Joomla! admininstrator page. Log-in here with Super-user account to access the installation area.

Step 1

After you log-in, go to Extensions/Extension Manager/Install. Click on the Browse button and find the previously downloaded installation package, called When you are ready, just click on the Upload and install button.

Extension Manager installation
Extension Manager installation

Step 2

After a few seconds, you will see a list of the different extension, what have installed. If all of the lines' ending is successfully installed, you are ready to configure and use the extension. If there is an error during the registration process, or got a warning message, see the TroubleShooting part below.

Extension Manager after successful installation
Extension Manager after successful installation


If you got errors or warning messages during the installation, you should make sure that the extension working properly, or not. Read the How to configure article. If you have got error messages in the module manager, or experienced a malfunction, please contact us on our support page: Offlajn Support Page.