In this section you can find the menu content related settings. You can select which K2 categories will be shown with the Categories as top level categories multiselect, and you can also select whether the items will also appear in the menu under their categories.

Parent item as link will create links to the parent menu-items as well, so you can reach the category pages. In this case use the arrow icons to open the sub-levels.

With the Display count of sub-items you can show a number next to the item, which will shown how many sub-items it have. There are 3 options available, the Yes only the real count means that only the direct sub-items will count. The Yes the aggregated count on each category will also count the sub-items in all category under the upper one. And you can also disable this feature.

Display count on sub-items parameter

Display count on sub-items

Element order is a important parameter. With that you are able to change the order of your menu-items. Choosable options are Component Default, which means that if the component has an ordering for the items, that will work in the menu as well. The other 2 options are alphabetically ascend or descend.

Menu-item description means that with some menu content types you are able to use subtitles with the items. If you enable this option the Description font parameter will appear in the Level settings to able to configure the description appearances.

Menu item description parameter

Menu item with description

You are also able to Show menu-item icons next the menu items with some content types. If you enable this option more parameters will appear:

Enabling Advanced option will let you to set the Width and Height of the menu icons, and also configure the method of the resize. Crop option will cut the images for the selected size. Scale will resize the image for the selected size, and also extend it with transparent background color if neccessary. Menu-item icon border-radius will round the corners of the icon with the selected value in px or %.

Show menu-item icons parameter

Show icons with the menu items