Modern theme

Theme Parameters

Here you are able to setup the theme specific settings. These can be different based on which theme are you using.

Modern theme parameters

Theme skin parameter will be set the colorize of the slider. The selectable values are different in every theme.

The Header Title Font parameter includes the Font Selector control panel, which is used to customize the title font settings like size, family, color, weight, etc.

The Product Name Font parameter also includes the Font Selector control panel, which is used to customize the product name font settings like size, family, color, weight, etc.

Price Font is an option, which is used to customize the product price settings like size, family, color and many more with the Font Selector.

Old Price Font is an option, which is used to customize the product old price settings like size, family, color and many more with the Font Selector.

With the Hover color setting, you can customize the item background color when your mouse over them.

Full width container setting is an opportunity which is used to enable the full width mode and set the background color of the container.

Discount badge option is used to enable or disable the discount badge and customize the badge's color and text.

New badge option is used to enable or disable the 'new' badge and customize the badge's color and text. You can add how long it will displayed.

With the Number on different devices settings, you can set how many items would you like to appear in the slider in a specific device.

The essence of the Autoplay settings is to set the Slider movement settings. You can switch on the autoplay function, add duration and enable the stop on mouseover.