After you have created a table you can show it on your frontend. There are several possibilites to make it:

  • Show it with the Go Pricing module in a position
  • Embed the table into an article

Show the table in a module position

Navigate to the Extensions/Module manager menu item on your backend, and Click on the New button, and select Go Pricing from the list. Then the module manager will load. With the Pricing table parameter select which previously created table would you like to show. Then configure the other core settings, like Position and Menu assignments. Don't forget to also Published the module, then click on the Save button.

Go Pricing module manager
Go Pricing module manager

Embed the table into an article

When you in the article manager edit view, click on the Insert GoPricing button. Then a popup will appear, which is similar to the list you can see in the component part. Pick a table there, and the shortcode will immediatelly inserted into the text.

Select a table in the popup
Select a table in the popup