With Import & Export feature you will be able to get the sample tables from the demo site on your site. Then you can customise them, or just simple use as a base of your custom pricetable. In the following you can learn more about how to import external tables, or how to export your own ones. This feature is available under Components/Go Pricing/Import & Export menu item.

Import table

The Select Action parameter should be set to Import value. Then you can drag the previously downloaded or exported file above the green Upload area, or simple just click on the button, then browse for the file. After that a list will appear, where you need to select which table(s) would like to install.

Import view
Import view
Select which table(s) would you like to install
Select which table(s) would you like to install

We have also created a small tutorial video for the Import, you can check it below:

Export table

The Select Action parameter should be set to Export in this case. Then you need to select which table(s) would you like to export, or simply choose all. Then click on the Next button, and the download will start automatically. If you missed the download, or would like to get it again, just click on the Download button.

Export view
Export view